Sabtu, 17 April 2021

Tom Cruise, Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation

Tom Cruise is one of the biggest movie stars of all time, Over the years, he has become notorious for doing many of the most dangerous stunts required for a film himself. Some of these stunts included actually driving the car during a high-octane car chase scene, sword-fighting in The Last Samurai, and doing a dangerous deep-water dive in Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation. 

How Tom Cruise Pulled Off Rogue Nation's Plane Stunt
Mission Impossible: How Tom Cruise Pulled Off Rogue Nation's Plane Stunt
Tom Cruise is as reckless as Ethan Hunt, but it takes more than a strong gut to dangle from a flying plane for Mission Impossible's craziest stunt.

Hanging off of the side of an airplane may seem like the coolest stunt, but it probably wasn’t the most physically taxing. In fact, months before shooting this scene, Cruise went through extensive training with a professional diver. During this time, Cruise increased his ability to breathe under water tremendously. As a reference point, the average human can hold their breath 30 to 40 seconds—Cruise held his for roughly 12 times that! Not to mention, he was moving around the whole time—which only makes it more difficult.  

Tom Cruise Mission Impossible Airplane Stunt
Against all odds, Tom Cruise outdid himself with his dangerous airplane stunt in Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, but how did he achieve it? Tom Cruise has a long list of highly successful movies, yet his acting skills aren't his only tool to maintain his Hollywood superstar status. Throughout the years, he has performed plenty of crazy stunts that have repeatedly put his life at risk, but every time the actor seems to have reached his limit, he comes up with an even crazier display of courage and physical prowess. Tom Cruise has now become the face of elaborate action sequences, drawing massive crowds who are always eager to watch him hanging from a cliff or break his ankle while jumping between rooftops.

Motorcycle chase

Bullets, sideswiping, and even an emergency break—This chase has it all. The best part: it was all Cruise. Swerving in and out of lanes, Cruise managed to take control of the motorcycle and execute a great chase scene.

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